Sunday, May 10, 2015


But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children....  (2 Thessalonians 2:7, 11)

Today we honor our mothers and next month we recognize our fathers.   It is a special time of acknowledging the importance of family.  In fact, you cannot understand how church life is to operate, unless you know how homelife properly functions.  Paul speaks of his loving leadership in terms of parenting.  It is the standard church leaders need to imitate.

Church leaders need A MOTHER'S DEVOTION (v.1-10).   Loving leadership must be tender for it is LOVING leadership  Mothers lead by loving. 

They are willing to suffer (v.1-2).  Pain has always been associated with motherhood.  When Eve sinned, God said that labor pains would come.  Paul’s preaching had birthed new believers into the family of God—and it had been painful labor.  If you are not willing to suffer, you can forget being a church leader!

Such love means accepting the responsibility (v.3-4).  Mothers are entrusted with a precious life.  Paul saw himself as a steward of the Gospel—answerable to God.   Church leaders seek to please Him, not people.

We learn about laboring with humility (v.5-6).  There is not much glamorous about motherhood.  Changing a dirty diaper and being spit up on are not glorious.  Church work isn’t about covetousness—about getting—it is about compassion—about giving.  Church leaders don’t seek their own glory and make demands, but seek God’s glory and fulfill duties.

There is loving with sincerity (v.7-8).  A mother begins to share her life with her child from the momenr of conception—nourishing the baby within her womb and then nursing the child with her milk from his or her birth.  Church leadership is about pouring your life into others.

Also, there is toiling with integrity (v.9-10).   Motherhood isn’t so much about inspiration as perspiration.  Working in the church is just that—work!  Paul says that it is to be done with integrity—not just holding a title, but having a testimony. 

Leadership is about a mother’s devotion and A FATHER'S DIRECTION (v.11-20).  Loving leadership must be tough for it is loving LEADERSHIP.  Fathers love by leading.  How can church leaders learn from fathers?

They give a challenge (v.11-12).  Fathers have a way of challenging their children to be all they can be.  That was Paul’s method and is to be every church leaders’ manner.  Ultimately, it is about buildling God’s kingdom, not ours; seeking His glory and not our own.

They offer a commendation (v.13-16).  Fathers who constantly chide their children and never commend them fail in leadership.  There are times in spiritual leadership we must confront problems, but we must also commend progress.  Paul does that.

They face a conflict (v.17-18).  I know that when I am away from my family I miss them!  You hear Paul’s passion to be with the Thessalonians in these verses.  He loved them and wanted to be with them.  Successful church leaders want to be with those they lead.  There will be a conflict in attaining this.  Satan will try to hinder it!

They enjoy a celebration (v.19-20).  Nothing makes a father happier than to see his children succeed.  It is the crowning achievement of a Dad!  Paul saw the testimony of his faithful ministry in the fruittfulness of those he had discipled.  It will be special to hear Jesus say in eternity, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”  and see lives we have personally touched.

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