Sunday, December 7, 2014



by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.  (2 Peter 1:4)

It is remarkable that a God who needs nothing—omnipotent and omniscient—would take needy creatures such as we are, with all our frailties and follies, and choose to partner with us in accomplishing His work in the world.  Each Sunday I can stand with a Bible in my hand and preach the unsearchable riches of Christ, in partnership with Deity, although I am but flesh.

How grateful we should be, even if we stand in the most obscure place—it is an assignment that is far grander than we could ever merit.  Should I be tasked with a labor suited to my ability, how lowly would that station need to be?  Perhaps standing by a stagnant pond, preaching to frogs in bogs, amid the stench of decay and the sound of buzzing flies? 

Instead, God imparts such grace to me, in that He has always given me an assignment beyond my capacity.  I have been required to throw myself upon Him and plead for more wisdom than I possess, and more strength than I have, or I would have surely failed!  Astonishingly, the Lord has made this useless man a useful tool in His Almighty hands. 

God, do it again this Lord’s Day—and make trash into treasure.  I’m just an old clay pot, but You can fill me with Your power and pour out of me transformational truth.  If You are so pleased to do this, You will receive all the glory!

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