Saturday, November 22, 2014


And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.  (Hebrews 10:24-25)

The NIV renders this command as to “spur one another on,” and makes me think of a rider on a horse, digging in his spurs and urging the steed on to the finish line in victory.  As a preacher, I am like that rider, the congregation is the horse, the finish line is the Judgment Seat of Christ, and my sermons are the spurs.  Well, Sunday is coming—and it’s time to saddle up!

My consideration is not to be about how best the people can serve me, but how I can best serve them.  Spurring them on is a priority.  Having a Word for them that stimulates them toward a heart of love and holiness of life is to be high priority.  People get lax, the world drags them down—and it is easy to give up.  Every man of God should know this because we face the same temptation to discouragement.  If we surrender to it, then how can we discharge our duty to encourage them?   David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”  (1 Samuel 30:6b KJV)  We must do likewise—and we can.

There will never be a time that so long as God gives me breath that I will not need to place the Bible bugle onto my lips and gather the saints to the race.  The people need to be assembled, fed, and have a saddle put on them—that is being equipped—so that they can be spurred on down the track.  Just because these days are difficult does not mean we can slack up, but rather is a call to pour it on!

Think today how you can best encourage the church members forward.  They are beaten down, and need someone to stir them up and stimulate them onward.  Our message needs to be the spur that does it—one that we wear with our own example, and apply it in just the right manner to bring the desired effect.

Here is my prayer for you, O man of God, today:

            Blessed Lord,

Please encourage the heart of every one who will stand in a pulpit and preach the Word tomorrow.  Stir them to once more take the Scripture in hand, and with a plea for Your help and a purpose in their heart, seek a word of encouragement that will spur your people on.  Send the Encourager—Your precious Holy Spirit—to each pastor today and whisper in their ear, “Keep on!”

In the Name of Your Faithful Son, Jesus,


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